What to do when you’re out of podcast hosting space
Podcast hosting can be a valuable asset, especially when you have a limited upload plan (as with most media hosts). When you fill up your monthly media upload limit, you still have a few options.
Podcast hosting can be a valuable asset, especially when you have a limited upload plan (as with most media hosts). When you fill up your monthly media upload limit, you still have a few options.
You never realize how important quality backups are until you desperately need them. Here are several ways you can (and should) backup your podcasts, website, and even personal computer.
No matter how you podcast, it needs to be hosted somewhere. You should have web hosting and media hosting that will grow with your podcast. I’ll suggest your best options to consider.
Gmail is a fantastic email client, and I highly recommend it for podcasters. I’ll show you how to use Gmail without giving a gmail.com address.
Podcasters don’t have to be perfect, and it’s easy to fix most of our mistakes. But here are thirteen things that you can’t fix later if you don’t get it right when you start podcasting. Most of these apply to blogs, too.
5 simple steps to get your own website, install WordPress, and start blogging or podcasting.
I share a bunch of resources and inspirations for which I’m thankful. This is almost a “how I podcast” episode, but not quite.
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