How to make great podcast cover art
Podcast cover art is often a potential subscriber’s first impression of your podcast. Here are the technical specs and ten elements of great podcast artwork.
Podcast cover art is often a potential subscriber’s first impression of your podcast. Here are the technical specs and ten elements of great podcast artwork.
The more popular you get, the more likely you’ll receive some negative feedback: a scathing 1-star iTunes review, a nasty email, or mean comments. Here are 10 ways to deal with this negative feedback toward your blog or podcast.
Titles are the most important pieces of text on the Internet. A good title will communicate clearly, set appropriate expectations, compel to take action, and will help your search-engine optimization (SEO) on the web and podcast directories.
Learn 6 ways to make your podcast episode titles more powerful!
Apple rumor sites have been buzzing about Apple’s rumored plans to purchase Swell for $30 million, originally reported by Re/code. This could have huge implications to the Apple Podcasts app for iOS, as well as iTunes Radio and the whole Apple digital store ecosystem.
FeedBurner has a bug in the “SmartCast” feature that will duplicate your podcast-level description across all of your episodes. The only ways to fix this are to either insert the information into the right RSS tag, or disable SmartCast. Read this for more information.
Most podcasters will consider iTunes as the podcast directory. But should you stop there? Or should you even bother with iTunes and get a mobile app for your podcast instead?
My Podcast Reviews allows you to receive your international podcast reviews automatically emailed to you! No more checking iTunes for each of your podcasts. My Podcast Reviews even lets you share your favorite reviews!
“Episode 0” is a common strategy to help you launch your podcast in iTunes and help you get into “New & Noteworthy.” But do either of these actually matter for starting your podcast?
Companies are getting more aggressive about trademark violations. If your podcast use someone else’s trademark, you may have already been removed from iTunes or you will be soon. Here’s how to fix it.
RSS makes podcasting possible. I’ll explain what RSS is and why not owning your RSS feed could mean losing all of your subscribers.
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