5 New Year’s Resolutions for Podcasters
It’s the new year and this is a time for many New Year’s resolutions. Here are five podcasting resolutions I suggest for your podcast in the coming 365 days.
It’s the new year and this is a time for many New Year’s resolutions. Here are five podcasting resolutions I suggest for your podcast in the coming 365 days.
Podcasting costs money. Before you spend more money on podcasting gear and other podcast resources, learn how to create a podcasting budget and stay within it.
This is not a debate between scientific theories and interpretations of evidence, but it’s about your approach toward expectations and efforts in growing your podcast.
Everything ends, so here are some tips for deciding when to retire your podcast and how to do it without “podfading.”
Hear great podcasters share their biggest personal, business, and other lessons they have learned from podcasts and podcasting. Recorded live at Podcast Movement 2015.
Collaboration is important when podcasting with guests or cohosts. These free and premium tools will help your plan your episodes and show notes better!
Whether a single podcast episode or a whole podcast series, there will be moments when something isn’t going well. Here’s how you can rescue your podcast.
Whether you’re already podcasting or about to start podcasting, how you approach your show could contribute to success or failure. Here are three approaches you can take, and how to work best with each of them.
Most TV shows are seasonal for good reasons. But does a seasonal schedule or approach have a place in podcasting? Here are the pros and cons.
What goals do you have for your podcast? Are they specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-based? Learn how to set and achieve your goals with your podcast!
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