8 Ways to Improve Your Podcast Description
Your podcast description gives you SEO benefits and the vital opportunity to convince a potential audience to try your podcast.
Your podcast description gives you SEO benefits and the vital opportunity to convince a potential audience to try your podcast.
Whether you’re a guest on someone else’s podcast, you’re promoting your latest episode on social networks, or you’re making marketing materials for your podcast, you might be wondering which link you should use to share your podcast.
If you ever have a guest on your podcast, you might be wondering where to put their name. Here are some things to consider for your own podcast.
Does it matter what time of day you publish your podcast episodes? Yes! And here are some tips to help you pick when that should be.
Should you publish your podcast episodes on a particular day of the week, avoid the weekends, publish on popular days, or something else?
If your podcast uses episode numbers, you have multiple options for how to display them. Here’s some guidance to help you decide! But I’ll give this warning: it’s, unfortunately, more complicated than it should be!
Your podcast episodes don’t have to “expire” once the next episode is released. With some strategy, you can use your old episodes to continue growing and engaging your audience!
Where do you tell your audience to go for the actions you want them to take? I suggest that should almost always be based on your podcast’s own domain name.
The podcasting industry has grown a lot since its birth in 2004, but the core of what a podcast could be and what it could do hasn’t changed much. Now, Podcasting 2.0 revolutionizes the industry with highly requested innovations that will help everyone on all sides of the RSS feeds.
I think Buzzsprout is the easiest-to-use podcast-hosting provider, and now they’ve made monetizing easy, too! Plus, you can use this to grow your own podcast!
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