10 Podcasting Things You Should Update Every Year
Keep your podcast growing and up to date with these ten things you may want to update at least every year.
Keep your podcast growing and up to date with these ten things you may want to update at least every year.
Discovery may not be the biggest problem you face in growing your podcast. It could be that your podcast isn’t easy! Here are 8 podcasting tips to help you reach your audience better.
There are controversial issues in every industry, including those covered by podcasting. Remember “LAURA” when you need to discuss controversy in your podcast.
This is not a debate between scientific theories and interpretations of evidence, but it’s about your approach toward expectations and efforts in growing your podcast.
I’m thrilled to announce the launch of Podcasters’ Society—an exclusive podcasting community for podcasters like you to equip and encourage you to improve your podcasts.
Content, presentation, production, and promotion. These are the four cornerstones for a great podcast. A lack of quality in these could hurt the growth of your podcast. But improve these cornerstones and you will grow your podcast.
Back to basics! This isn’t a detailed process for how to edit episodes, setup your website, or get into iTunes. These are the core 10 principles for starting a podcast, even if it’s not your first time!
It’s great to be the first person in a niche. But don’t be discouraged if you’re not. Consider the following seven points to help you embrace your differences, despite the existing “competition,” or find a better niche for your blog or podcast.
Sickness hits almost everyone at some point. Consider these five questions before you press record. (Remember that I can’t give medical advice, so these are
Podcasters always want to know how to get more listeners or viewers. But you should also consider what you may be doing that is preventing you from growing your audience.
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