Should Your Photo Be in Your Podcast Cover Art?
Podcast cover art is usually the first and most prominent thing people will see about your podcast! So should your photo be in the cover art?
Podcast cover art is usually the first and most prominent thing people will see about your podcast! So should your photo be in the cover art?
Enhance the experience for your audience by making unique artwork for each episode. But you need to adapt to how each app might display the image.
Even though podcasting is usually an audio-only experience, attractive images can enhance your podcast branding and help you promote your podcast better!
Five updates to podcasting tools that you should know about, and how to take advantage of them.
Apple has just updated the Podcasts app for iOS to version 1.0.1 for iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch. This update appears to fix several of largest bugs reported by the user community.
Will a native-language accent turn away listeners? How to fix a cover art display issue. And whether Stitcher’s legalese is evil.
Request cover art or call (859) 353-4332. The image associated with your podcast is called your “podcast cover art” (also known as “podcast artwork,” and
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