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This is the ultimate theme shop for high-quality, podcast-focused WordPress themes.
While other theme providers might throw in “podcasting support,” that's usually limited to an optional player you can use. But SecondLine Themes goes far beyond that! Their themes integrate seamlessly with popular podcasting plugins like PowerPress, Simple Podcast Press, Seriously Simple Podcasting, and PodLove.
All SecondLine Themes include subscription buttons designed for podcasts, and the designs are beautiful!
For extra flexibility and design control, SecondLine Themes integrates with the free Elementor page builder (Elementor Pro is an optional additional purchase) with extra Elementor widgets designed for podcasting.
Some of these themes are even designed for podcast networks!
How much do we like SecondLine Themes? We're using Tusant right here for The Audacity to Podcast!
Click here to hear our podcast review of SecondLine Themes.
You can purchase each theme individually, or choose a subscription or lifetime bundle to access all their themes.