6 Ways to Thank Your Podcast Audience
You might think your audience should thank YOU for all the work you put into your podcast, but how often do you thank THEM?
You might think your audience should thank YOU for all the work you put into your podcast, but how often do you thank THEM?
Presentation is one of the 5 cornerstones of podcasting (content, presentation, production, promotion, and P.R.O.F.I.T.), and how you communicate in your podcast can make the biggest difference in whether people enjoy and benefit from your content.
We use many services in the process of podcasting and engaging our audiences, like Patreon, Buy Me a Coffee, SpeakPipe, and more. But saying these brand names in your podcast can overwhelm or confuse your audience and—even worse—break their ability to properly engage with your podcast!
Podcasters are often guilty of OCPD. It’s okay to intently focus on important things, but here are ten podcasting things not worth the obsession.
Podcasting connects with people in more personal—even more intimate—way than blogging, radio, video, and more. Here are 8 things that make podcasts different.
Discovery may not be the biggest problem you face in growing your podcast. It could be that your podcast isn’t easy! Here are 8 podcasting tips to help you reach your audience better.
There are controversial issues in every industry, including those covered by podcasting. Remember “LAURA” when you need to discuss controversy in your podcast.
Does your audience love your podcast? Do they love you? Here’s how to earn the love of your podcast listeners to grow your podcast.
The more popular you get, the more likely you’ll receive some negative feedback: a scathing 1-star iTunes review, a nasty email, or mean comments. Here are 10 ways to deal with this negative feedback toward your blog or podcast.
We’ve all had days where we just didn’t feel ready to write or speak. Here are ten tips for how to blog or podcast when you don’t feel like it.
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