Cheap Sound Treatment Tests in a Commercial Office
This video demonstrates some of my (ugly) acoustic-treatment attempts and their results in my new studio office.
This video demonstrates some of my (ugly) acoustic-treatment attempts and their results in my new studio office.
Celebrate Audacity’s 15th birthday early with version 2.1.0! This introduces real-time effects previews, better monitoring meters, a new and improved noise-reduction effect, support for Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite, and more!
Before you spend money on expensive podcasting gear, you may already have things in your home or office that can improve the quality of your podcast. Add you own suggestions and stories in the comments!
We all make podcasting mistakes. Here are 10 things many podcasters do wrong with their podcast production.
Before you press record, make sure you’ve checked these 20 things to ensure a quality podcast.
Podcasts are watched or listened to in a variety of ways and places that you may not expect. Forgetting these things could make you podcast difficult to consume and thus annoy your audience.
Unique, profound, and unconsidered tips from other podcasters to help you make your podcasts so much better!
Simple mic technique can fix your podcast from sounding cheap and amateur to far more professional. Apply these five simple tricks to sound better podcasting!
A Behringer U-Control or similar USB audio interface can protect your audio recordings from electronic interference noise.
During my honeymoon, I had several episodes of the Ramen Noodle and The Audacity to Podcast automatically post. How can you prerecord and schedule your episodes to magically post while you are away? I share some tips for workflow, Audacity, and WordPress.
This week’s Audacity tip is the power of the pause button.
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