Should Your Podcast Take a Holiday Break?
Christmas, New Year’s Day, and many more holidays affect people differently. Learn whether you should keep podcasting or take a break during a holiday.
Christmas, New Year’s Day, and many more holidays affect people differently. Learn whether you should keep podcasting or take a break during a holiday.
When a podcast episode runs long, podcasters may be tempted to split it into multiple parts. This can sometimes be an easy (though somewhat lazy) way of producing more episodes. Podcasters usually do this because of how long the full episode would be. But the disadvantages outweigh the benefits.
Sometimes, you need a break from podcasting, whether planned or unexpected. Here are some tips for handling this with the least negative affect on your viewers or listeners.
Hear several lessons you should learn for improving your podcast and standing out from the rest!
Get podcasting answers on how to turn off selection snapping in Audacity, whether podcasting less than weekly hurts, how to end a limited-episode podcast and not be removed from iTunes, and how to reduce MP3 file sizes.
Daniel Lewis shares some tips on determining the right balance of frequency and length for your podcast episodes.
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