How to Shrink Your Podcast RSS Feed and Why It Matters
RSS is the core to distributing your podcast. Here’s why the RSS size matters, what affects the feed size, and how to reduce the size of your podcast RSS feed.
RSS is the core to distributing your podcast. Here’s why the RSS size matters, what affects the feed size, and how to reduce the size of your podcast RSS feed.
People are listening to, watching, and subscribing to podcasts more on mobile devices than anything else. Here are nine things to make your podcast mobile-friendly.
Learn all of the popular podcast media hosting models and how LibSyn and Blubrry have changed for their current and new customers.
Podcasts are watched or listened to in a variety of ways and places that you may not expect. Forgetting these things could make you podcast difficult to consume and thus annoy your audience.
Podcasters don’t have to be perfect, and it’s easy to fix most of our mistakes. But here are thirteen things that you can’t fix later if you don’t get it right when you start podcasting. Most of these apply to blogs, too.
5 things to consider as you decide whether stereo or mono is best for podcasting.
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