Artificial intelligence, machine learning, algorithms, bots—all degrees of AI that have big promises and even some compelling results. But can they help you podcast, maybe even helping you grow your podcast?
Like any tool, I think it depends on how you use it.
And as tempting as it was, I decided not to use AI to help with this article.
(As an affiliate, I may earn from qualifying purchases through some of these following links. But I recommend products I truly believe in, regardless of earnings.)
Using AI for improving your podcasts?
Descript has been around for quite a while and has some exciting developments. It used to offer primarily transcript-based editing of your audio, but it has grown into so much more. I've previously joked about Descript's almost having a “de-umer,” and that's now a reality. Descript can even use it's AI to learn your voice and help you correct portions of your spoken content!
I wouldn't use Descript to produce an entire podcast in your artificial voice, but using it to fix small sections has huge potential!
This means you could potentially fix mistakes or someday even dynamically update content in your episodes!
For example, imagine you record high-value content that will be relevant for years to come. But there's one place where you mention something that changes each year. AI, like from Descript, could help you update that spot each year, keeping your content both timeless and updated.
Or maybe you use dynamic-insertion technologies to make your podcast geographically relevant and Descript could use your voice to record a different segment for multiple regions.
Using AI for creating your content?
You might have seen AI-created content in various places, some done well, and some done horribly. But that's only a matter of immaturity of the AI.
As smart people put more of their experience and knowledge into AI, we'll see its abilities improve.
Take for example. This is a relatively new service designed to improve content by reformatting it to particular structures, expanding it, or improving the style to communicate better.
Let's get meta! I entered that previous paragraph into and told it to give me three results using its “content improver” template. Here are the results.
Take for example. This cutting-edge service takes your content and improves it by reformatting, expanding, or improving the style to communicate better.
Converting to is the new way of thinking about content writing; this service reformats, expands and improves style for better communication.
Content is king, but the way it's presented matters. Take for example: this new service helps improve content by reformatting it to particular structures or improving style to communicate better.
Or here's a good example from using my opening paragraph:
Artificial intelligence, machine learning, algorithms and bots. Sounds scary right? Not so fast. These tech tools have been used to produce successful podcasts before and might be right for your podcast too!
Interesting, right? (However, they might require a little fact-checking.)
I'm quite impressed with the results from Its Facebook group is full of people showing their published books now on Amazon. While I don't know how much of such examples is original work and simply improved, or generated by the AI, it still has great potential in content creation.
The above examples demonstrate how an idea could be communicated better. But you could even use the AI to help you create new content.
For example, I gave's “blog post outline” template the title/topic “10 ways to be awesome,” and here is the first of three suggestions I got back.
1. Be kind to people
2. Smile more often
3. Read a book every month
4. Exercise regularly and eat well
5. Take care of your mental health by getting enough sleep, going outside, and avoiding social media when you're feeling down
6. Learn something new every day- try out a new recipe or learn how to knit for example!
7. Spend time with friends and family members who make you happy (and avoid those who don't)
8. Be honest about what you want in life- it's okay to say no sometimes if that means saying yes to other things like traveling the world or spending time at home with loved ones instead!
Obviously, it returned only 8 items in this list, but I told it to generate 3 results, and the other two contain other unique ideas.
So from nothing but a title, I now have a potential (maybe even complete) episode or article outline!
I found that even when if I don't use the actual suggestions, they can be springboards for additional ideas or improvements.
If you've followed me for a while, you probably know that I'm usually against transcripts and instead recommend writing an article to accompany your podcast episodes. Maybe AI could help! You could give an AI your transcript and it could return a complete and well-written article!
Using AI for designing images?
Beyond the spoken and written word, AI could help you make better images for your podcast, too.
You may already be familiar with tools like RelayThat or my long-time favorite Adobe Spark, which allow you to build on professional templates and press a single button to get a new layout. For example, taking a wide image you might use in video and in social embedding, and smartly adapting the layout to give you a tall image for Pinterest or a “stories” platform.
AI could also help you find the right images for your episodes and articles/show notes.
You could even use AI to help you create your own podcast logo! BrandCrowd is one such tool I recently discovered. It can take text and some descriptive keywords and present you with tens to hundreds of possible logo ideas. For example, I simply entered my name and the keyword “technology” and got these logo designs:
Using AI for promoting your podcast?
Nearly every podcast wants to grow their audience; maybe AI could help!
Tools like Headliner, Audioburst, and MissingLettr can use varying levels of AI to find the best excerpts from your content. Then, they provide you with things you can use to better promote your podcast, such as audiograms or text for social posts.
Never let AI replace you!
While the potential for AI is huge and can help in a lot of ways, it will never have the emotion and spirit of a person.
While I think AI can become a powerful tool to help us make better stuff and learn to communicate better, it will never—and should never—replace you. You are still the voice and face of your podcast. You are still the “brains behind the operation.” You are still the relatable human being who can empathize, inspire joy and sadness, fuel positive and negative action, disgust and delight, and more.
How will you use these tools to change the world, even if only for one person?
Or as the AI would say:
If you're looking for a way to change the world, these tools will help. You can use them to make any difference in the world, even if it's just for one person.
What are your plans to use these tools for world-changing?
How will you use these tools in order to change the world, even if only by changing one person's life?