
How Proxies and iOS 14.5 Affect Your Podcast

In summer 2021, iOS 14.5 introduced a major change to Apple Podcasts with implications many podcasters may still not realize. With that update, your audience on Apple Podcasts is no longer getting your podcast directly from your RSS feed, but from a proxy. And that has some potentially bad implications!

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What Is Podcasting 2.0 and Why Does It Matter?

The podcasting industry has grown a lot since its birth in 2004, but the core of what a podcast could be and what it could do hasn’t changed much. Now, Podcasting 2.0 revolutionizes the industry with highly requested innovations that will help everyone on all sides of the RSS feeds.

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Before you go! Don’t miss this FREE checklist, “20 things you should do before recording every podcast episode”!

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