Attach photography/videography accessories to iPhone with olloclip Studio
Instead of putting your iPhone in a large camera cage, olloclip Studio lets you attach your photography/videography accessories directly to your iPhone case!
Instead of putting your iPhone in a large camera cage, olloclip Studio lets you attach your photography/videography accessories directly to your iPhone case!
ollclip Active Lens easily clips onto iPhone to give you either 2× telephoto or ultra-wide-angle photos and videos.
IK Multimedia’s iKlip Grip is far more than a “selfie stick.” It offers several functions for smartphone photography and videography.
Whether you need more ports for your Thunderbolt-equipped PC, or you want a single cable to dock with your computer station, OWC’s Thunderbolt 2 Dock may be the best solution.
It’s fun to talk about the big equipment podcasters use: microphones, mixers, software, cameras, and so on. But having a supply of these small accessories will keep you sane when you try to podcast.
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