Ideal Equipment for an Audio Podcasting Studio
Before you buy all kinds of podcasting gear that you may not need, consider these 7 categories of equipment for an audio podcast.
Before you buy all kinds of podcasting gear that you may not need, consider these 7 categories of equipment for an audio podcast.
It’s important to hear what you’re recording while you’re podcasting, but studio monitor speakers or headphones will probably not be the right choice. Here’s why.
Headphones can help you record and edit your podcast better. Picking the right headphones is a highly subjective process, but here are nine things you should consider before buying headphones for your podcast.
Podcasts are watched or listened to in a variety of ways and places that you may not expect. Forgetting these things could make you podcast difficult to consume and thus annoy your audience.
Every cohost in your audio podcast needs their own headphones, but they may have completely different kinds with different amplifications. This 4-channel headphone amplifier will give each cohost their own volume control for their headphones. Watch this video to see why you and your cohosts will love the Behringer HA400.
This is my current, very cheap pair of headphones. I last about an hour in these before my head hurts. I’ve tried quality earbuds, but they give me headaches from the way my own voice sounds with my ears plugged.
In a perfect world, everyone would have great headphones—the would fit perfectly, have great sound, and, most importantly, they would all be the same. But that’s not reality for me and many other podcasters.
Belkin Rockstar Multi Headphone Splitter is perfect for splitting your podcasting audio so you and your cohosts can hear.
Find the right Christmas gift for your podcaster or yourself.
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