8 Things to Make Easier for Your Podcast Audience
Discovery may not be the biggest problem you face in growing your podcast. It could be that your podcast isn’t easy! Here are 8 podcasting tips to help you reach your audience better.
Discovery may not be the biggest problem you face in growing your podcast. It could be that your podcast isn’t easy! Here are 8 podcasting tips to help you reach your audience better.
Podcast editing is one of the most tedious and hated parts of podcasting. Here are several tips for faster audio- and video-editing.
Podcasting with an iPad or Android tablet is possible, but have you consider adding a tablet to your current podcasting workflow? Here’s how to use a tablet with your podcast!
We all make podcasting mistakes. Here are 10 things many podcasters do wrong with their podcast production.
Happy Labor Day! In celebration of this American holiday, I’ll share how much you should expect podcasting to take, how to speed up your workflow, and how I work with my podcasts.
When a podcast episode runs long, podcasters may be tempted to split it into multiple parts. This can sometimes be an easy (though somewhat lazy) way of producing more episodes. Podcasters usually do this because of how long the full episode would be. But the disadvantages outweigh the benefits.
Editing is a savior to some, and hell to others. But do you really need to edit your podcasts? Or should you be editing when you don’t?
Imagine publishing podcast episodes faster! These simple hacks will improve your podcasting workflow in the little details. Each of these may take only a few minutes to setup and may not seem to save much time. But even saving 30 seconds per day adds up to more than two hours per year.
How do you podcast from nothing to a finished, publicized episode? Here are six main steps with key implementations to make a podcasting workflow like the professionals!
Before you press record, make sure you’ve checked these 20 things to ensure a quality podcast.
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