The best podcast hosting options
No matter how you podcast, it needs to be hosted somewhere. You should have web hosting and media hosting that will grow with your podcast. I’ll suggest your best options to consider.
No matter how you podcast, it needs to be hosted somewhere. You should have web hosting and media hosting that will grow with your podcast. I’ll suggest your best options to consider.
Podcasters like to hang out with other podcasters and get help, learn about the tools, and share their experience. I think these are the best forums for talking about podcasting.
Learn recommendations for audio equipment, software, plugins, and other podcasting gear that are worth spending money to get. These will improve your podcast!
There comes a time in every podcaster’s life when he or she wants to start another podcast. These questions and tips will help you determine whether it’s right for you, and how to start well.
Follow these 7 steps to fix your podcast when you make big or little mistakes—even if you already published the episode!
Is FeedBurner still relevant and useful to bloggers and podcasters? I share 8 things FeedBurner can do, and 8 things it can’t or shouldn’t do, and let you decide based on your needs.
Learn how to setup Blubrry’s PowerPress plugin for WordPress, including feed and iTunes settings, category podcasting, channels, and how to attach podcast episodes.
The worldwide web is a big place and having your podcast on just your website will prevent you from growing an audience—or getting one in the first place.
5 things to consider as you decide whether stereo or mono is best for podcasting.
It’s now possible and easy for you to upgrade your podcast website to support an HTML5 audio/video player, but not leave Flash Player behind.
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