What stats matter most to a podcast sponsor?
There are many ways to make money podcasting, and not just with a podcast sponsor. But here’s the information that will be most important to any advertiser.
There are many ways to make money podcasting, and not just with a podcast sponsor. But here’s the information that will be most important to any advertiser.
Popular, free podcasting tools you can use to create, host, and grow your podcast without buying the premium alternatives. Audio, video, website, and more tools to help you be a successful podcaster without having to be rich.
Most podcasters will consider iTunes as the podcast directory. But should you stop there? Or should you even bother with iTunes and get a mobile app for your podcast instead?
Stats help you measure your audience and performance. Media hosting moves your podcast files away from your website server. But are either of these services really necessary for podcasting?
I usually recommend self-hosted WordPress for podcasting from your own website, and so do many other professionals. But is this really the best option for running your podcast and creating your podcast RSS feed?
RSS makes podcasting possible. I’ll explain what RSS is and why not owning your RSS feed could mean losing all of your subscribers.
Learn all of the popular podcast media hosting models and how LibSyn and Blubrry have changed for their current and new customers.
Podcasting continues to grow and 2013 is no exception. Here is a 2013 podcasting year in review. Sponsored by: Dropcam.com watch life High-Def streaming of
Podcast hosting can be a valuable asset, especially when you have a limited upload plan (as with most media hosts). When you fill up your monthly media upload limit, you still have a few options.
Five updates to podcasting tools that you should know about, and how to take advantage of them.
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