How to start a podcast in 10 steps
Back to basics! This isn’t a detailed process for how to edit episodes, setup your website, or get into iTunes. These are the core 10 principles for starting a podcast, even if it’s not your first time!
Back to basics! This isn’t a detailed process for how to edit episodes, setup your website, or get into iTunes. These are the core 10 principles for starting a podcast, even if it’s not your first time!
7 reasons you should use WordPress on your own web hosting instead of choosing another platform.
Podcasts are watched or listened to in a variety of ways and places that you may not expect. Forgetting these things could make you podcast difficult to consume and thus annoy your audience.
Hear several lessons you should learn for improving your podcast and standing out from the rest!
Learn how a few investments can improve your audio or video podcast.
While everyone is making New Year’s Resolutions in their personal lives, think about how you can improve your blogging and podcasting passions in 2012. Here are eleven suggestions.
5 simple steps to get your own website, install WordPress, and start blogging or podcasting.
Your podcast’s live page shouldn’t be merely another page on your site. This page needs special content and optimization to be effective. Learn nine things you should include on this page.
Encourage viewer-participation with a chat room during your live-streaming, podcast-recording sessions.
Your website is the Internet home for your podcast. Here are several easy things you can do to make your website appeal to gain more listeners and make it easier for current subscribers.
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