Should You Podcast with a Cohost?
Should you podcast alone, or get a cohost? Cohosts can make some things easier, some things harder. Here’s help you to pick what’s right for your podcasting.
Should you podcast alone, or get a cohost? Cohosts can make some things easier, some things harder. Here’s help you to pick what’s right for your podcasting.
To celebrate 300 episodes of The Audacity to Podcast, I’m drawing lessons from this show’s first episode to help you launch your podcast better, or learn how you can improve.
Life can get crazy and unpredictable. It can be joyous moments like a birth or marriage. It can be sad moments like a death or job loss. It can be trying moments like a move or transition of any kind. Here are 10 tips for keeping your podcast going, despite life’s challenges.
Christmas, New Year’s Day, and many more holidays affect people differently. Learn whether you should keep podcasting or take a break during a holiday.
If you hate podcast-editing, then invest the time to avoid making mistakes while podcasting. Here are 5 tips to help you podcast with fewer mistakes.
Batching can be an effective way to improve your podcasting workflow. But is it right for your podcast? Consider these benefits and disadvantages.
Next to podcast-editing, show-notes writing is one of the most dreaded parts of podcasting. Here are several suggestions for speeding up the process!
Get your body and voice ready for recording an audio or video podcast with these 12 preparation tips!
How do you podcast from nothing to a finished, publicized episode? Here are six main steps with key implementations to make a podcasting workflow like the professionals!
Before you press record, make sure you’ve checked these 20 things to ensure a quality podcast.
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