10 super-simple tricks for speeding up your podcasting workflow

Photo Credit: wwarby via Compfight cc

Imagine publishing podcast episodes faster! These simple hacks will improve your podcasting workflow in the little details. Each of these may take only a few minutes to setup and may not seem to save much time. But even saving 30 seconds per day adds up to more than two hours per year.

1. Change file associations

What program opens when you double-click your files? That is set by the file association. For example, double-clicking an MP3 often opens it in iTunes. But is that really what program you want to handle that file?

For example, I changed the following defaults on my system.

Change your file associations with these steps:

  • For OS X, right-click a file and click Get Info. Change “Open with:” to your preferred program. Click “Change All…”
  • For Windows 7/8, open Control Panel > Control Panel Home > Default Programs > Set Associations (or type “Default Programs” into the Start search). Select the file type you want to change and click “Change program.” Or, you can right-click the file type you want to change and click Properties. Go to General tab > Type Of File > Change > Choose a program.
  • For some Linux distributions, follow these steps.

2. Use an FTP client for uploading podcast media

Depending on the media host you use, it may be much faster to upload through an FTP client instead of through their website. LibSyn works this way and is even better.

Popular free FTP clients are CyberDuck and FileZilla.

If you upload to LibSyn, I recommend uploading a fully tagged MP3 file to the “quickcast” folder. This will read the title, description, and other meta information from the ID3 tags; set the file as a post (not as “for download only,” which you shouldn't use); and publish the file immediately. You won't even have to login to the LibSyn website!

3. Use templates

I've talked before about using Simple Content Templates (formerly Simple Post Templates) for creating templates in WordPress. Also consider templates for your other processes.

4. Make macros and “droplets”

Many programs will let you record a set of actions to save as a macro. These are called Chains in Audacity, Favorites in Adobe Audition, Actions in Adobe Photoshop, and other names in other programs.

You can also create a miniature program, commonly called a droplet, on which you can drag and drop one or many files for quick processing. For example, converting stereo to mono, encoding WAV as MP3, converting PNG to JPEG, sequentially renaming, uploading to FTP, applying a template, and more.

5. Work in mono

I've already talked about the many benefits of podcasting in mono instead of stereo. In your workflow, this can often cut your processing time in half. An effect only has to process a single track in mono instead of two tracks (left and right) in stereo.

6. Use text-expansion: TextExpander or PhraseExpress

Text-expansion is a huge time-saver for me in the little ways. Here are some example uses.

  • Make typing hard-to-spell words or titles easier—John Lee Dumas uses “eee” to write “Entrepreneur on Fire” since spelling “entrepreneur” causes even the best to stumble
  • Simplify complicated text—I type “tap.url” to get “https://theaudacitytopodcast.com/” with the option to add to the end of the URL
  • Make easy hyperlinks—I type “paypal.pay” to get a full payment URL with a custom description and payment amount
  • Insert a complete template—For consulting requests and followups, RSS help, CES booking requests, and more, I have different “email.____” shortcuts that insert a full message with the recipient's name and custom inclusions

TextExpander PayPal

Text expansion's power goes far beyond just replacing text with other plain text. You can make dynamic fields that populate the output, shortcuts that process your clipboard, and much more.

Get TextExpander for Mac, or PhraseExpress for Windows.

7. Paste without formatting

When you copy and paste text, font sizes, colors, and other formatting are usually captured and pasted with it. This can make text-editing very annoying. Many applications offer a “paste as plain text” or “paste without formatting” option. This is commonly Ctrl-Shift-V on Windows and Linux, and Cmd-Shift-V on OS X.

The text you paste will inherit the formatting of your target (such as a heading or color) instead of carrying over the previous formatting.

8. Write show notes directly in WordPress

Instead of going through a lot of hassle to paste without formatting from a separate app into WordPress, why not write your show notes directly into WordPress?

You won't struggle with formatting transitions and invalid characters. And it also means you can seamlessly insert your hyperlinks, formatting, and multimedia while you write your text.

9. Create bookmarks, favorites, and shortcuts

If you regularly use the same tool, website, or folder, make simple shortcuts to each of these in relevant places.

OS X Finder favorites

  • In your web browser, use the Bookmarks toolbar to place your most commonly visited pages (like WordPress's “new post” page) and bookmarklets (like social-sharing or bookmarking services).
  • In your file browser, add shortcuts to your common folders in the sidebar or favorites for easy access from the file browser or save/open dialog boxes.
  • In project folders, make shortcuts/aliases to other commonly accessed folders.
  • In programs, add your favorite effects to a favorites menu or palette, if supported.

10. Learn or customize keyboard shortcuts

I probably use several hundred keyboard shortcuts in a single day. This is way more than simple cut/copy/paste. Cmd/Ctrl-I will italicize text in WordPress and most apps, Cmd/Ctrl-K will usually hyperlink text (it's Alt-Shift-A in WordPress), Cmd/Ctrl-S will save.

But there may also be shortcuts for your other common operations. If there aren't, you can probably assign them in your app. For example, I setup Cmd-Shift-L to run the Normalize effect in Audacity, or Cmd-Shift-M to convert stereo to mono in Audition.

Maybe you don't like your app's keyboard shortcuts because you're used to a different app. For example, most apps use Cmd/Ctrl-E for exporting, but Audition and Premiere Pro both use Cmd/Ctrl-M.

Critically review your workflow steps

Don't stop with my list! Watch for any repetitive tasks and find ways to do them a little quicker. When you combine all of these things together, you may find yourself saving 5–15 minutes per day, which adds up to 21–65 hours per year!

What little tasks have your been able to hack to save time? What are some of your favorite text-expansion snippets? Share in the comments!


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Ask your questions or share your feedback

  • Comment on the shownotes
  • Leave a voicemail at (903) 231-2221
  • Email feedback@TheAudacitytoPodcast.com (audio files welcome)

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This post may contain links to products or services with which I have an affiliate relationship and may receive compensation from your actions through such links. However, I don't let that corrupt my perspective and I don't recommend only affiliates.

About the Author
As an award-winning podcaster, Daniel J. Lewis gives you the guts and teaches you the tools to launch and improve your own podcasts for sharing your passions and finding success. Daniel creates resources for podcasters, such as the SEO for Podcasters and Zoom H6 for Podcasters courses, the Social Subscribe & Follow Icons plugin for WordPress, the My Podcast Reviews global-review aggregator, and the Podcasters' Society membership for podcasters. As a recognized authority and influencer in the podcasting industry, Daniel speaks on podcasting and hosts his own podcast about how to podcast. Daniel's other podcasts, a clean-comedy podcast, and the #1 unofficial podcast for ABC's hit drama Once Upon a Time, have also been nominated for multiple awards. Daniel and his son live near Cincinnati.
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10 years ago

Great stuff, Daniel. Lots of valuable info here.

Re: #3 and #8 – I’ve been using Live Writer lately for its ability to save Post Templates and publish directly to WordPress without having to login to the dashboard. It’s my new favorite tool, and it does its thing without excessive markup.

Wasn’t aware of chains in Audacity; this is going to be a huge help.

Re #6 – AutoHotKey is another great text-expander and macro-recorder that saves me lots of time, and it’s FREE.


Joel Zaslofsky
10 years ago

Daniel, would you mind linking to or expanding upon an explanation for why I shouldn’t use the “For download only” option in Libsyn? This is the first I’ve heard someone mention it (and you can probably guess which Libsyn option I’m currently using to publish my podcast episode .mp3).

Prescott Perez-Fox
10 years ago

Great episode sharing your philosophy for workflow hacking. I’ve adopted very similar practices in the graphic design world over the years, but I’m learning new tips for podcasting as I learn with each new episode.

Prescott Perez-Fox
10 years ago

Well sir, you can see my “business site” (aka my out-of-date portfolio) over at http://strshp.com . For a time I was working for myself full-time, but for the past ~2 years I’ve been a traditional employee, leaving me little time for updating my site. Even less now that I’ve started the new podcast — The Busy Creator Podcast — http://busycreator.com.

But since my new podcast and site are aimed at creative productivity, I think I need to get a grip and update my stuff. Can’t make excuses anymore if I’m wearing the hat of someone prolific and productive.

Joshua Rivers
10 years ago

Thanks for this, Daniel. I’m going to start uploading via Filezilla. I’m also going to be working on the shortcut keys. I’ve already been using ShortKeys Lite (I save at least 90 keystokes each episode).

10 years ago

This episode was great but a little overwhelming. Some of it I would need broken down to steps on video. Maybe I need some one-on-one consulting, or buy into a pre-recorded “go-slow how-to” on so much of the stuff in this episode. You can guess that I am not a spring chicken! Ooops. How do I stop my photo from stretching?

Stephanie b
Stephanie b
10 years ago

Thanks for the tips, Daniel!

A big time saver for me is using Markdown language instead of HTML when writing my shownotes. With the Jetpack plugin, WordPress does support Markdown in its editor now, but I still often use a Markdown editor application because my app has a preview pane. (In WordPress, you have to click the preview button for the post to see what it’s going to look like — it just looks like Markdown language in both WordPress’s “Visual” and “Text” editors.) But even having to copy & paste the HTML from my Markdown application into WordPress, I find writing my shownotes this way saves me A LOT of time.

Like Joel, I too was interested by your comments about uploading files as File for Download Only to Libsyn. I have concerns about switching how I upload files now because I am hosting files for 3 podcasts in one Libsyn account. (I know — probably not the wisest decision but it was cheaper than getting each podcast its own account and money is a concern for me at the moment.) One of my podcasts uses my Libsyn feed, and that’s the show name that’s in Libsyn. If I publish all the files I upload there as “episodes,” won’t they all show up as episodes of the podcast that’s associated with my Libsyn account in the Libsyn mobile app, etc.?

Stephanie b
Stephanie b
10 years ago

Thanks for your suggestion, Daniel. I have tried out that WP Markdown plugin, and it just didn’t work for me. Like you mention, I didn’t like that it replaced the HTML and visual tabs. So for now I’m sticking with Jetpack unless I’m writing a big post, in which case I use a separate application.

I thank Stever Robbins for introducing me to the concept of Markdown, but I first heard Stever on your podcast so really I should thank you too! Thanks, Daniel!

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x

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