What Is the Best Day of the Week to Publish Podcast Episodes?
Should you publish your podcast episodes on a particular day of the week, avoid the weekends, publish on popular days, or something else?
Should you publish your podcast episodes on a particular day of the week, avoid the weekends, publish on popular days, or something else?
On Friday, April 17, 2020, Apple Podcasts surpassed 1 million valid podcasts in their catalog. So have we reached “peak podcast”? Is it too late to start a podcast? Will your podcast only be lost in the sea of over 1 million other podcasts?
Working with other podcasters can be energizing, but it can also feed your inner troll. Here’s how you can build friendships instead of enemies in podcasting.
You are influenced by the people around you. So here is who you should have in your circle to help your podcast succeed.
Podcasters are often guilty of OCPD. It’s okay to intently focus on important things, but here are ten podcasting things not worth the obsession.
The Audacity to Podcast is now five years old. These are the biggest five lessons I learned from taking podcasting seriously and professionally for the last five years.
The more popular you get, the more likely you’ll receive some negative feedback: a scathing 1-star iTunes review, a nasty email, or mean comments. Here are 10 ways to deal with this negative feedback toward your blog or podcast.
It’s great to be the first person in a niche. But don’t be discouraged if you’re not. Consider the following seven points to help you embrace your differences, despite the existing “competition,” or find a better niche for your blog or podcast.
Podcasting is supposed to be full of passion. But what happens if you feel burned out and want to quit, or you can feel that coming? I share 10 tips to prevent the podcasting burnout, or save yourself from it.
Podcasters always want to know how to get more listeners or viewers. But you should also consider what you may be doing that is preventing you from growing your audience.
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